Friday, December 19, 2008

I am

I am

A worshiper

A believer

A friend

Of God

I am

A mother

My breasts feed hungry mouths

My arms

Brings warmth to needy bodies

My body, full, ripe

My stretch marks a testimony

To my generous heart

I am

A writer

My blood flows through my pen

My thoughts fill blank pages

Opinionated, tough, pugnacious

In your face

I am

A cook

The aroma of my meals

Tantalize nostrils

Satiates the stomach

Pleases the palate

I am

Full of energy

I jog, I gym

I walk, I glide

I hop, I ride

I am the energizer bunny

I am

A friend

Loyal to the end

I’ll give everything I have

To bring a smile to your face

I am

A Lover

I purr and roar

I pleasure your body

I pleasure your soul

I am

The one who believes

I make the world

A better place

By just being

I am


Who I’ll forever be


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